How To Write A Great Resume: 10 Tips For Freelance Writers

With today’s technology booming, freelancers from coast to coast can work 24/7 in Paris all the way to Hollywood, at any giving moment. With that said, there are plenty of freelancers waiting around the clock for work. So standing out can be important when it comes to two or more highly skilled freelancers placing bid proposals day in, and the day out. There is no better way to stand out than to market yourself with an official resume. Besides from the most important tip of proofreading; here is a list of other important tips when it comes to resumes.

10 tips for freelance writers to take into consideration when resume writing:

  • You must have an eye for a pleasing formatting, enough white space with informal information flowing.

  • It’s also important to utilize an easily-readable font, along with the size and a pleasing reading color.

  • A way with words- Resume writing does not have to be boring; besides who wants to look at 100s of lame-o resumes day in, and the day out.

  • Sell yourself/ market yourself- Do not judge a book by its cover, does not apply here. Sometimes your resume is the first and the only thing a client will have to “judge” you. And when it’s your career and money at the state, I want them to judge highly, accept bid and pay up.

  • Think outside of the norm- besides from being boring, having the same generic resume template, and white plain paper that your competitor and everyone else submits, can be a bid kill.

  • Try to include your most recent work, with technology changes, upgrades, and add-ins, its best to showcase your skills with the latest and greatest technology.

  • Keep resume goal narrow- meaning, if you dabble in logo designs, web designs, yet also data-entry or article writing, it’s would be beneficial to have separate resumes for each particular job category.

  • Always, always report honest work. There is nothing worse than having a steroid-induced resume with bogus jobs, just to impress.

  • When adding references, it’s always polite to inform that person or even better ask that permission be granted unto you to use them as a reference.

  • Last but not least, try to obtain some work recommendation letters from some of your clients. Letters of recommendation are priceless.

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